Animal Liberation Kitchen Heart Opening Cacao Cup

Our good friends at Toronto's Animal Liberation Kitchen just sent us this amazing holiday recipe to try out. Guaranteed to put a smile on your face and warmth in your heart!

Energy balls

Prep time 20 minutes 

Enjoy them raw! 


  • 1 cup of ground walnuts
  • 2 cups of dates
  • 1 cup of figs
  • 1/4 Together Hemp Hearts (Natural or Maple)



  1. Mix 1 cup of ground walnuts
  2. 2 cups of dates, and 1 cup of figs in food processor.
  3. Mix in 1/4 cup of Together hemp hearts.
  4. Roll into ball and sprinkle extra hemp seeds on top.


Cacao cup

Prep time 15 minutes

Ready to serve in 3 hours


  • Two cans of whole fat coconut milk 
  • 3/4 cup of cacao 
  • 1/4 cup of Together hemp hearts 


  1. warm up coconut milk and cacao in pot on medium until blended together.
  2. Let cool for 15 minutes before adding anything else.
  3. Mix in two table spoons of rolled oats or granola, and together hemp hearts.
  4. Pour in cup and let cool in fridge. Once they are hardened, sprinkle with Together hemp seeds and berries, enjoy!